Trevor is a Director of Operations and leads a large team. His focus is on getting things done, and his interactions with employees are almost exclusively around who is doing what, and when. During the pandemic Trevor’s team faced many adversities, and Trevor was solely focused on the tasks that needed to be accomplished. He did not spend time checking in on how team members were doing personally, and came across as indifferent and uncaring. People were left feeling as if Trevor didn’t care about them, but only what they could accomplish for him. This approach negatively impacted the sense of community and engagement in his team.
What went wrong?
Trevor was derailed by low concern for others. He did not pay enough attention to the individual and unique needs of his team members.
How can Trevor enhance his leadership?
Trevor should take time to consider how others may be feeling, especially when they are encountering difficulties. He can strengthen his work relationships by asking people how they are doing, and providing appreciation and support.